Set time on Windows to UTC for Linux/Win Dual-Boot

Tuesday 15 October cello Notiz, Anleitung

Ubuntu maintains the hardware clock (RTC, real time clock) in universal time (UTC) by default while Windows maintains the clock in local time, thus causing time conflicts between Ubuntu and Windows.

    1)go to Start Menu, search for and launch “cmd” as Administrator.

    For 64-bit Windows, use a QWORD value:

    2) Type into cmd: [code]Reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTimeZoneInformation /v RealTimeIsUniversal /t REG_QWORD /d 1[/code]

    3) Disable the “internet update” for the time and reboot. … ferences-ubuntu-1604-windows-10/

Tag(s): Windows, Linux, time

Linux Audiosystems

Monday 8 September cello Notiz, Liste

Pulseaudio, ALSA/OSS
Visualisierung der Audiostreams: … mons/0/00/Pulseaudio-diagram.svg
von >>

Tag(s): Linux, Audio, Ubuntu

GetSimpleCMS auf

Tuesday 29 July cello Notiz, Anleitung

GetSimpleCMS ist eher ein Webseiten-System als ein Blog, CMS etc

1) Download

2) Upload & Entpacken

3) Installieren/Konfigurieren auf

3) Userrechte setzen
all Files & Folders to “php-user”

4) Sprache hinzufügen

Update Owncloud

Thursday 24 July cello Notiz, Anleitung


1) Backup database and files


2) Set User Rights

Folder “owncloud” and File “.htaccess” to “php-user”

3) Update

Go to Admin(Preferences) in the Interface of your Owncloud-Installation
Klick under “Updater” Update-Page

4) The Update-Page will make a backup

and then update the files
Then klick on “Proceed” to update the database

Owncloud Manual >> Update & Backup … n_manual/maintenance/update.html … n_manual/maintenance/backup.html

Notes on Android & synced with Owncloud

Thursday 17 July cello Notiz, Anleitung


1) Notes on Android

used for the .TXT - notes:
Denkzettel 0.8.0 (2014 Silvio Schurig)

2) Syncronise the TXT-Folder over WebDAV

used to sync a folder over WebDAV
Foldersync lite von Tacit Dynamics - 21. April 2014 …

>> weitere Option: WebDAV File Manager … ddo.shigadroid.webdavfilemanager

Ubuntu releases

Wednesday 25 June cello Notiz, unfertig

Auf der Ubuntu-Webpage findet man einen Release-Schedule pro Version
wo Release aber auch ServicePack-Versionen zu finden sind…..

Für Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)

Tag(s): Ubuntu